Do you recognise any of these signs within your business?

13th May 2021 :: Customer Stories :: Author: Andrew Cope, Managing Director, Evergreen

  • Your customer data is all over the place – spreadsheets, word documents, invoices, emails, even post-it notes.
  • Your sales team does not work as one – everyone is different and will work to their own process given the choice.
  • You have many points of contact – social media, phone, email, live chat, who keeps a record of what has been said?
  • Your customer complaints are on the rise – this usually boils down to how you communicate with them.
  • Your data entry is painful and important information is missed – not an ideal way of spending valuable employee time and it can be a soul destroying task.
  • Your reporting process is time-consuming and prone to mistakes.
  • Your leads are not turning into customers – wasting time chasing or not chasing ‘the right’ lead.

Then you need a better system, a CRM or Customer Relationship Management system.

Without decent CRM software, it's difficult to focus on the customer, tough to keep track of your contacts and customer data, and impossible to keep on top of potential leads and #sales.