Evergreen blog

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rescuing software project

Not going the way you thought it would?

Embarking on a software project can be an exciting yet daunting venture. It’s a journey that promises innovation, efficiency, and growth. However, the path to ...
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bespoke software project management

Is your software project heading into stormy weather?

Evergreen is here to help you decide the best way forward! Here’s how: ➼ Pause When the going gets tough, sometimes hitting pause is the ...
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Nightmare software project

Stuck in a software project nightmare?

You are not alone!  We’ve had many frantic calls from businesses whose software projects have hit a wall. It’s more common than you’d think and ...
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Stupid software

Is stupid software ruining your day? 

Frustrating isn’t it? You thought you had selected the right software, but there’s still things you need it to do. That’s the problem with off-the-shelf ...
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Project management software

Is your project management software just not good enough?

Efficiency and effectiveness are key to staying ahead of the competition. One critical component that can significantly impact your success is your project management software. If ...
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Have you tamed your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software?

The integration and efficiency of your organisational processes can make all the difference. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the multitude of software systems your ...
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How can you get more double-rainbows in your working day?

Custom software is the answer! It’s designed to support your unique workflows, goals, and challenges, boosting efficiency and productivity. Perfect! It fits like a glove ...
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Don’t fall into the traps of off-the-shelf software

When your business data is disorganised, it can feel overwhelming. At this stage, off-the-shelf software can seem like a convenient solution. These pre-packaged programmes are ...
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Is AI necessary to automate processes?

Automation has become a buzzword in the modern business world, with artificial intelligence (AI) often touted as the ultimate solution. While AI is undoubtedly a ...
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